Monday, May 23, 2016

Kool Aid Play Dough

I love this recipe because the playdough smells good and it's so easy to make. I usually only make one color/flavor and my youngest has a ball playing with it for a long time. It's definitely my go to for those days I when I have something I want to get done (i.e. cleaning the house, laundry...) and I need to occupy my 3 year old for a while. Five minutes of minimal effort and this playdough is ready to go!

Kool Aid Play Dough

1 cup flour
1/4 cup salt
1 envelope Kool Aid
1/2 - 2/3 cup water
1 tablespoon oil

In a bowl mix together the flour, salt, and Kool Aid.

In a saucepan boil 2/3 cup water, add oil. Pour ever the dry mixture leaving a little in the saucepan. Stir and mix then knead with your hands until the dough is the consistency of playdough, adding more of the hot water/oil as needed. Its ready to play with immediately or you can store it in a ziplock bag.

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